Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN)
Application Periods
The Med Aide - VN Bridge Program application period is open through March 23, 2025, for the Summer 2025 start date.
Med Aide - VN Bridge Program: 2/7/2025 - 3/23/2025
Program Start: Summer Semester 2025
To satisfy the applicant meeting requirement and obtain additional information about the Bridge program, please watch the following recorded video: Med Aide - VN Bridge Program Applicant Meeting
After watching the video, please email you name and the date you watched to for meeting attendance credit. If you have questions, please call the nursing department at 281-756-5630 or email us.
Traditional VN Program: 10/01/2025 - 11/07/2025
Program Start: Summer Semester 2026
Nursing applications may only be submitted during an open application period. Applications for college admission through Apply Texas may be submitted prior to the nursing application period.
Program Eligibility Requirements
Med Aide - VN Bridge Program
- Meet all eligibility requirements for the traditional VN program (see below)
- PLUS hold current Med Aide certification from Texas Health & Human Services
- AND hold current CNA certification from Texas Health & Human Services
- AND have a minimum 6 months experience at a long term care facility
Traditional VN Program
- Be admitted to Alvin Community College. Start Here!
- Proof of prior education (GED, Diploma, or College Credits)
- Texas Success Initiative standards - met or exempt
- HESI A2 exam scores
- Reading Comprehension minimum score of 70
- Cumulative score minimum of 65
Med Aide - VN Bridge Program Differences
- First semester (summer) taught through CEWD
- First semester - 1 class instead of the 4 required for the traditional VN program
- First semester - lectures online; skills assessments & exams in-person
- The 2nd & 3rd semesters are identical to the traditional VN program and require in-person attendance
- May need to also take VNSG 1420 Allied Health A&P during the summer semester
- Costs
- Med Aide - VN Bridge 1st semester approx. $2,000
- VNSG 1420 Allied Health A&P - In-district $465; out-of-district $669
- 2nd & 3rd semesters costs are same as the traditional VN program
Application Process
(Also see Steps for Applying at the bottom of the web page)
Traditional VN Program
- Application period annually (October)
- Classes begin the following summer semester, usually in June
- Submit an online application during the application period
- Look for your "successful submission" email
- Submit Hepatitis B vaccination or immunity records with application
- Attend an applicant meeting during the application period
- Check your milestones to verify everything was done before the application deadline
- All required documents must be received by the application deadline
Med Aide - VN Bridge Program
- Application period annually
- Classes begin the following summer semester, usually in June
- Submit an online application during the application period
- Look for your "successful submission" email
- Submit Hepatitis B vaccination or immunity records with application
- Attend an applicant meeting during the application period
- Check your milestones to verify everything was done before the application deadline
- All required documents must be received by the application deadline
Application Instructions & Program Information Packets
Open the information kit (linked below) for details about applying, requirements, class format and schedules, and answers to frequently asked questions.
VN Program Application 2025-2026 Instructions *Updated for 2025 application period.
Med Aide - VN Bridge Program Application Instructions
*Information packet updated for February-March application period.
Applicant Meetings
Attending an applicant meeting is a requirement for the nursing application process. All applicants must attend an applicant meeting, no exceptions. To fulfill the requirement for the Bridge program, please view the following video, then email with your name and the date the video was viewed. If you have questions, please call the nursing department at 281-756-5630 or email us.
Click the following link: Med Aide - VN Bridge Applicant Meeting to view the recording.
Meeting Type | Date | Time | Location |
Traditional VN Program Applicant Meeting | 10-02-2025 | 3 PM | online |
Traditional VN Program Applicant Meeting | 10-09-2025 | 3 PM | online |
Traditional VN Program Applicant Meeting | 10-23-2025 | 3 PM | online |
Traditional VN Program Applicant Meeting | 10-30-2025 | 3 PM | online |
Traditional VN Program Applicant Meeting | 11-06-2025 | 3 PM | online |
Click the link below to attend the traditional VN applicant meeting at the scheduled time.
Registration is not necessary.
Applicant Meeting Link
To join by phone or if you experience audio difficulties when joining online, call 1-571-392-7650. When prompted, enter meeting id/PIN # 770 415 5345 (omit spaces). Please email with your phone number and first and last name for attendance credit when attending by phone call.
Information Meetings
- Provide information about preparing to apply to the nursing program
- Are optional
- Open to the general public
- Suitable for those deciding whether to apply to nursing
- Opportunity to ask questions at the end of the meeting
- Information meeting does not substitute for the applicant meeting
- Must attend an applicant meeting if you submit an application
- Information meetings are scheduled in June and July
- Dates will be posted when determined
- A recorded general information session may be viewed by clicking Recorded General Information Meeting
Applicants are informed of their conditional admission status via email after the application period closes usually at the end of January. Email is the official means of communication from ACC to students. If you are conditionally accepted you will be informed, at that time, of further documents/steps necessary to achieve final acceptance status.
Steps For Applying
Applicants must be TSI complete or exempt in all three sections. If satisfying TSI standards with developmental courses, the courses must be completed (not in progress) by the application period deadline. Visit the Steps to Getting Started to apply to ACC. International Students with F-1 Visas are not eligible for the VN certificate program at this time.
- You must be admitted to ACC before you can apply to the LVN program. If it has been a year or more since you last applied to ACC or took courses at ACC, you may need to re-apply to ACC. The registrar’s office may have discarded transcripts after a year if you did not take courses. Check with the Admissions Office if you are unsure or to verify your transcripts are at ACC: 281-756-3531.
- All applicants must provide a High School Diploma, or official high school transcript, or a GED certificate, or official college transcripts showing completion of 12 credit hours of core courses attained while attending an accredited college.
- The VN program does not accept foreign high school or college credits until they have been evaluated for U.S. equivalency by an ACC approved transcript evaluation services provider. You will find a list of approved companies in the “Academic Policies & Regulations” section of the ACC catalog. The original transcript evaluation document must be submitted to the VN department.
- Provide EITHER proof of at least the first Hepatitis-B injection OR a report of Hepatitis-B immunity (a “Hepatitis-B surface antibody titer”).
- There is no time limit on Hepatitis-B injections; there is a 5-year time limit on the Hepatitis-B titer. Hepatitis-B titer is accurate only if it is done at least two months after the third Hepatitis-B shot.
- Have your HESI A-2 test scores sent directly to the ACC Nursing Department from Evolve/Elsevier if taken at a location other than ACC.
- Applicants must make at least 70 on the reading section and at least 65 for the cumulative score. You can score less on other sections as long as you meet the reading and cumulative score requirements. Although there is no minimum HESI math score, those with a math section score of 85% or better receive additional admission consideration.
- We use only the HESI A2 test for nursing admission. You cannot substitute any other test. A high enough HESI- A2 test score, by the nursing application deadline, is mandatory for all LVN applicants regardless of educational background or college degrees they may already have,.
- You may take the HESI-A2 exam at ACC or at other sites that administer the exam. If the exam is taken any place besides ACC, allow at least two weeks for your score report to reach the ACC Nursing Department. We do not accept HESI-A2 scores submitted by the applicant.
- Information about the contents and format of the HESI-A2 exam and how to prepare: HANDOUT and PRESENTATION
- The LVN application may be accessed only during the application period by clicking the button at the top of this page. Look for your "successful submission" email to verify your application was received. If you do not receive the email, try resubmitting the application after verifying all required fields are complete, or try using a different web browser. Return to your ConexED student dashboard to view your application, verify milestone completion, or to upload additional documents. Milestone completion will be approved by the nursing program to verify application steps have been completed or required documents received. It is important that you verify your application was submitted and transcripts or other items were received before the application deadline.
- If you have problems or questions about completing the LVN application, please contact the LVN department at 281-756-5630 or email
- Anyone who previously applied must submit a new application for the program.
- Students with A&P credits from foreign institutions must have the transcripts evaluated by an approved service and submit the official evaluation of foreign credits to the ACC registrar. A list of ACC-approved evaluation services is in the ACC College Catalog under "Evaluation of Credit from Foreign Institutions"
Licensed Vocational Nursing is part of our Health Career Pathway. Click the box below to see other Health programs that may interest you.